When using this equipment, please cite:

If you publish a study in which some way used the equipment listed below, please add this to your Acknowledgements:

Resources purchased with funds from the NSF FSML program (DBI 1722553, to Northeastern University) were used to generate data for this manuscript.

Facilities description

Genomics Core Lab:

NUMSC has a Genomics Core Lab with several important pieces of equipment used for the preparation of next-generation sequencing libraries and for increasing throughput for a large number of samples. In addition to the major pieces of equipment listed in the “Equipment” section (Tape Station, ultrasonicator, Blue Pippen, MinION, pipetting robot, plate reader, ABI real time PCR, SpeedVac), this shared lab space also includes two large capacity centrifuges (one is refrigerated).

  • Agilent 2200 TapeStation: for quality assessment of RNA, DNA, and genomic libraries.
  • Covaris ME-220 Focused ultrasonicator: for accurate shearing of DNA to a uniform size.
  • Blue Pippen (Sage Science): for size selection of genomic libraries.
  • MinION (Oxford Nanopore Technologies): for real-time RNA and DNA long-read sequencing.
  • OpenTrons: A personal pipetting robot for automating protocols and workflows.
  • SynergyHTX Plate Reader: for DNA and RNA quantification via fluorescence.
  • ABI RealTime PCR machine: for quantitative polymerase chain reaction.
  • ThermoScientific SpeedVac: for removing solvents and concentrating samples while maintaining sample integrity.

The Ocean Genome Legacy (OGL) Center:

The Ocean Genome Legacy Center is a biorepository located at NUMSC and houses several resources, including an autoclave, gel doc, Milli-Q® Type 1 Ultrapure Water System, and Nanodrop. OGL also stores and provides liquid nitrogen.

  • Autoclave: for sterilization.
  • BioRad Gel Doc XR+: for photodocumentation.
  • Milli-Q® Type 1 Ultrapure Water System: for ultrapure water.
  • Nanodrop 1000: for quantification and purity analysis of genomic materials.
  • Liquid Nitrogen: for flash freezing.

Gel electrophoresis room:

NUMSC has dedicated space for gel electrophoresis, and the entire facility has been Ethidium-bromide free since 2017. Resources include 2 large (23cm x 25 cm), 2 medium (13cm x 16 cm), and 4 mini (7cm x 10 cm) horizontal gel electrophoresis systems.